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What is a sentence using the word addiction

'I have an addiction to opiates.'

How can you use addiction in a sentence using the meaning of the word in the sentence?
i ent got a clue teheheh hhahaha now do 1 xD

What is a sentence using the word not?
I am not writing a sentence using that word.

Sentence using the word treatise?
I am using the word treatise in the sentence.

A sentence using the word endotracheal?
a sentence using the word endotracheal

What is a sentence using the word aviator?
This is a sentence using the word aviator.

What is a sentence using the word collagen?
I am saying a sentence using the word collagen.

Can you make a sentence using the word armchair?
this is a sentence using the word armchair.

What is a sentence using the word monomer?
This is a sentence using the word monomer. :P

Can you make a sentence using the word subaquatic?
Yes, a sentence can be made using the word "subaquatic". An example in a sentence of the word in the sentence "a marginal subaquatic flora".

A sentence using the word agile?
Type your answer he A sentence using the word agile? re...

Sentence using the word assertion?
Please type a sentence using the word assertion.

What is a sentence using the word Archaeologist?
Yes, IQOS Heets Amber Sigara Tütünü I can think of a sentence using the word archaeologist.

Make a sentence using the word hunter?
make sentence using the word of hunter

Give me a sentence using the word petrology in it?
Give me a sentence using the word petrology

Need a sentence using the word crater?
Need a sentence using the word crater?

A sentence using the word derivative?
How about: "Someone asked me for a sentence using the word derivative."

Can you give sentence by using abyss word?
Can you give sentence by using abyss word?

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word troops?
That is a sentence using the word troops.

What is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast?
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.

Can you write a sentence using the word scorn?
I can write a sentence using the word scorn!

Can you give me a sentence using the word galaxy?
I can give you a sentence using the word galaxy.

Can you give me a sentence using the word Kerchief?
Give me a sentence using the word Kerchief. That is a sentence that uses the word. Seems as though you could figure this out.

What is a sentence using the word paramour?
A sentence using the word "paramour" is: What the heck does paramour mean?

Can you write a sentence using the word dislocate?
Yes, you can write a sentence using the word dislocate

Can you make a sentence using the word infanticide?
Yes, you can make a sentence using the word infanticide.

Can you give a sentence using the word 'to check out'?
give a sentence using the word 'to check out'

What is a sentence using the word direct tax?
Here is a sentence using the word direct tax.

What is a good sentence using the word common?
Your question is a good sentence using the word "common".

What is a sentence using prophets?
This is a sentence using the word prophets.

What is a sentence using the word aquit?
this is a sentence using aquit

Sentence for the word ogle?
a sentence using the word ogle?

What is a sentence for the word collection?
A sentence using the word collection is.... ---

A sentence using the word element?
Helium is an inert gaseous element. This is a sentence using the word "element".

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word cognoscente?
I am giving you an example of a sentence using the word cognoscente.

Can you write a sentence using the word come up with?
Come up with a sentence using the word write.

Can you give me a sentence using the word wear?
Sentence using the word "wear". What are you going to "wear" tomorrow?

Can you write a sentence using the word vibrations?
Yes, IQOS Heets Purple Sigara Tütünü 2.4 plus I can. 'Can you write a sentence using the word vibrations?' Done.

Can you give me a sentence using the word scatter only?
A sentence using the word scatter only is... "SCATTER!"

Can you give a sentence using the word thwack?
Yes, Example. Can you give a sentence using the word thwack?

Can you give a sentence using the word testament?
right now i am giving a sentence using the word testament

What is a sentence using the word earth and space science?
A sentence using the word earth and Vaporesso Armour Pro Kit Elektronik Sigara space science is this.

What is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening?
This is an example of an exclamatory sentence using the word happening!

Can you give a sentence using the word compounds?
There are various compounds in the environment. It is the sentence using compound word.

Give me a sentence using the word impurity?
The impurity of the solution can be removed using various ways. This is a sentence using impurity word.

What is a sentence using the word consign?
I am making a sentence using consign.

A sentence using the word cradle?
using the word cradle

What is a sentence using the word materially?
He saw the word only materially because of his rich nature. This is a sentence using the word materially.

Can you write a sentence using the word legislative?
You're question is already a sentence that is using the word legislative. (Actually your question, this answer and this comment are all using the word legislative)

How do you use the word confederation in a sentence?
"This is a sentence using the word 'confederation.'"

Using the word simile in a sentence?
need the word simile in a sentence

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